You are here: Promotions > Promotion Search and Filtering

Promotion Search and Filtering

The Promotions window contains Search and Filtering functionality that can be used to display specific Promotions in the list.

This can be especially useful when searching for a specific Promotion among a plethora of Promotions in the list.


The below screenshots shows the areas of the Promotions window that contain the functions outlined further below which can be used to Search and Filter the Promotions window.



Promotions can be Searched and Filtered via the following methods:


Search Functions

The top-left corner of the Promotions window contains a Search field which can be used to search for Promotions.

The search field allows the following types of searches (click on Description/Cust Type to display a list of search types and click on the required type):




If a Promotion is linked to multiple Customer Types, entering either of those Customer Type Codes will display the Promotion in the search results.





Filter by Promotion Group and Expiring Date

The top-centre of the Promotions window contains two dropdown boxes which can be used to filter the Promotions list by Promotion Group as well as the Promotion Expiry Date.




Hide Expired

The function to Hide Expired Promotions is available as a button on the bottom-left corner of the window.

Toggling the button will either Show or Hide Expired Promotions.